Monday, January 24, 2011

I Can't Believe the Same Thing Happened!

I never said why me and Eric broke up, but now it's relevant.
I'm insecure. Let's just get that out there.

We went to eat on his lunch break. When we got there I saw this girl who works with Eric there. I asked, "Why is she here?" He said, "I don't know, to eat?" He preceded to tell me how stupid and ridiculous my question was. He was very angry and told me to just take him back to work. He said I was accusing him of doing something. I told him I was just asking him a question. So the argument escalated and he got out of my car and walked all the way back to his work.

Just yesterday the SAME exact scenario happened with Chris.

He texted me, "I need to get laid." I ask, "Is that why you came over?" He said I was accusing him and that he wasn't going to let someone treat him that way. It was one lengthy text. He said sex means a lot more to him. He was very angry. I said, "I never accused you of anything. I just asked a question. I asked because I'm insecure(something you said you can relate to)." He never said anything to me after that.

I couldn't believe he got that mad. After thinking for a while I realized that this was what happened with Eric. I'm not exactly sure what it means, but I have some ideas.

1. I'm really really insecure
2. My questions are really that horrible
3. Chris was having a bipolar moment
4. Eric has bipolar too

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